Ook de leesgroep doet mee met ‘De Vijf Vitale Wijsheden Weken’ die binnenkort weer op KenKon gehouden gaan worden. We lezen ‘The Five Wisdom Energies – A Buddhist Way of Understanding Personalities, Emotions, and Relationships’ van Irini Rockwell.
Van de achterflap van het boek: ‘The five wisdom energies, or “buddha families”, presented in this book make up a unique system of understanding personality. Discovering our place within these five styles of being can yield enormous insight into our own patterns of behavior and emotions as well as into the energies at play in all our relationships. Each of the five wisdom energies is associated with particular ways of perceiving and interacting with the world. Each has its intelligent and confused aspects, and each has a rich array of qualities.’
Iedereen is van harte welkom.
Dinsdag 27 juni
19.30 – 21.15 uur
Voor verdere informatie stuur een mailtje naar: leesgroeptibetaansboeddhisme@
Alle goeds, in vrede,
de Leesgroep