The practice of Tibetan Buddhist meditation, brought into contemporary Western life

A Full Cycle of Seminars with Rob Preece


vuurTasting the Essence of Tantra is designed as a four year experiential meditation training program based on Tibetan Buddhist wisdom, meditation and yoga, with 8 modules in total. Each seminar will build upon the experience of the retreat before to gradually enable the awakening and embodiment of a taste of our innate nature, expressed in tantric meditation practice. The seminars will cover traditional practices, integrated and enriched with insights en experiences from Western psychology and psychotherapy. It is possible to follow individual modules, although some requirements and preparations may apply.  

– Program Background –


Tantra or Vajrayana is one of the most extraordinary aspects of Buddhism that emerged in India and became shaped and developed in its transmission through Nepal and into Tibet. Today this tradition is accessible to Westerners as Tibetan masters come to the West to teach. Tibetan Tantric practice is honoured for its completeness and transformatie power. Many people are attracted to tantric meditation practice but are not always able to make a deep connection to experience. The complexity of practice that has been developed in Tibet is not easy for us as Westerners to relate to and does not always suit the Western mind. Many people try to engage with these practices but struggle with this complexity and become disappointed when they do not seem to be attaining the results they may have wished for. To gain a genuine experience of this path we need to find ways to enable the particular psychological nature of our Western mind to be touched by this profound Eastern tradition. Tantra is a creative process and just as it evolved when it became Tibetan experience, so too it must evolve as it meets the Western mind in order that it genuinely becomes our experience.


  • To guide participants through a process of meditation training that begins to awaken a taste of tantra, not just intellectual knowledge
  • To bring together tantric practice and psychological understanding as per Lama Yeshe’s aspiration.
  • To gradually open students to the experience of how tantra works. Each retreat will build upon the experience of the retreat before to gradually enable the awakening of a taste of our innate nature expressed in tantric practice.
  • To work with one’s own psychological and emotional experience. As such, care will be taken to enable practice to be tailored to individual process.
  • To deepen connection to practice as well as clear some of the difficulties that can arise when embarking on more advanced practices.
  • To develop a sound relationship to the body and emotions by integrating the practices of Kum Nye, a Tibetan form of yoga, and movement.
  • Catalyse healing, development and liberation.

During the course there will be a gradual introduction to the primary spiritual archetypes or deity practices of ‘action tantra’ or Kriya tantra and to some of the foundations for the practice of Higher tantra. As the course progresses participants will be supported to establish an on-going meditation practice, learn the processes of making offerings, creating sacred space, purification and healing. Those who are able to participate in the entire program will find this is a good basis for further practice such as the ngöndro or preliminary practices, as well as the practices of Higher Tantra.


Rob Preece Rob Preece has studied and practised Tibetan Buddhism for more than 4 decades under the guidance of great teachers and has spent 5 years in retreat in the Himalayas. Returning to the west he trained as a psychotherapist and has practised for the past 25 years. During this time he has led many workshops and retreats and written four ground-breaking books on the meaningful chemistry between Jungian psychology and Tibetan (tantric) Buddhism: The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra, The Courage to Feel, The Wisdom of Imperfection and Preparing for Tantra. Rob’s style of teaching is oriented to opening a dialogue around the material that is being explored. This is to maintain a spirit of exploration and creativity in the way tantra is integrated into Western experience rather than holding to rigid prescriptions of practice. Because of this, it is helpful to bear in mind that elements of the course may change as it unfolds to take into account what emerges as things progress and what is relevant to peoples experience.



stable vesselIn this module we will begin to work with the awareness of sensation, feeling and emotion within the body. This creates a sound basis of practice and a resource to help stabilize our relationship to our emotional life and the body. Within this we will explore the cultivation of a sense of definite emergence (renunciation) and refuge. This retreat will be supported by the practice of the historical and archetypal teacher Shakyamuni Buddha.

Learning Objectives:

  • To learn ways of being with feeling, emotion and sensation that become a stable resource in life.
  • To restore and open a healthy relationship to the body
  • Learning to listen to the inner wisdom that comes through a deeper relationship to the body and feeling.
  • Seeing the ways of being that bind us in unconscious ignorance.
  • Cultivating the intention to awaken from these unconscious ways of being (renunciation or definite emergence).
  • Cultivate the quality of refuge in the three Jewels, awakened mind (Buddha), truth (Dharma) and community (Sangha).
  • Developing a relationship to the meditation of historical and archetypal teacher Shakyamuni Buddha.


awakeningDuring this retreat we will begin to explorethe healing of some of our wounding to our sense of self through developing compassionate presence. On the basis of compassion for ourselves we will develop the practices of Tong Len and the meditations for awakening Bodhicitta, the aspiration to serve the welfare of others, entering the Bodhisattva path. This retreat will be supported by practices associated with the spiritual archetype or deity Chenrezig.

Learning objectives:

  • Cultivating a healthy sense of self-acceptance through compassionate presence.
  • Beginning to open the quality of compassionate presence for the sake of others.
  • Deepening the experience of compassion and loving kindness through Tong Len (Taking and giving).
  • Opening the heart of Bodhicitta as the intention at the route of Tantric practice.
  • Taking the Bodhisattva Vow.
  • Developing a relationship to the spiritual archetype (deity) Chenrezig through meditation.


discover mindIn this module we will bring together the insight of emptiness from Madyamika philosophy with meditation on the nature of mind in Mahamudra. We will look at the cultivation of the insight of emptiness and explore the stages for developing the practice of tranquil abiding and deepen the understanding of Buddha nature, Dharmakaya as the innate clear light nature of mind. This retreat will be supported by introducing the spiritual archetype or deity Manjushri.

Learning objectives:

  • Developing the capacity of clear present awareness resting in the nature of mind from the Mahamudra tradition.
  • Deepening the insight in to the nature of emptiness in relation to self and phenomenon.
  • Establishing an understanding of the stages of tranquil abiding and the obstacles to be overcome in the process.
  • Gain a taste on a more felt level of the underlying presence of Dharmakaya as the ground of being
  • Developing a relationship to the spiritual archetype (deity) Manjushri.


Kriya TantraIn this module we will look more deeply at the psychology of deity practice and the sadhana developing our relationship to the sacred through prayers, offerings, prostrations and creating sacred space. We will look at the deity as gateway to our innate Buddha nature and how visualization and mantra bring a taste of the deities quality. We will also explore the meaning and significance devotion and the role of the deity in guru yoga. This retreat will be oriented around the practice of the spiritual archetype or deity Green Tara.

Learning Objectives:

  • To experience a sense of the sacred in the practice of Kriya tantra as we create the environment in which the deity is invoked.
  • Learning the essential heart of the practice of sadhana or method of awakening the deity.
  • Learning the rituals of offering and exploring a personal creative relationship to prayer in relationship to the deity.
  • Learning to create sacred space and the sustaining of a deity practice in the context of retreat.
  • Integrating the relationship between the deity and the energy body as a felt experience.
  • Developing the relationship to the spiritual archetype (deity) of active compassion, Tara.


energy bodyIn this retreat we will shift attention to developing awareness of the energy body, introducing the processes of healing and purification and the significance of working with exercises such as Kum Nye, 5 Tibetan Yogas and movement. We will explore the nature of the Chakras and their function and the relationship the elements of nature. We will look at the kind of energy problems that can arise in the body because of our emotional life or through meditation, and how they can be healed. We will explore the roll of an alchemical vessel in the process of transformation and healing. The practice of spiritual archetype or Vajrasattva will be introduced as a basis for healing.

Learning Objectives:

  • To increase sensitivity and awareness of the nature of the energy-wind body and how it moves within us
  • To learn ways of being with energetic processes that emerge in meditation
  • To gain a deeper experience of the processes of healing and purification and how they can be applied in practice.
  • Beginning a relationship to the spiritual archetype (deity) Vajrasattva as the root of healing and transformation.


shadowDuring this retreat we will begin to look at the transformation and purification of the shadow. We will go deeper into ways of working with the energy of our emotions and psychological patterns looking at their purification and transformation through symbolic ritual. We will explore the relationship between peaceful and wrathful deities, introducing the principle of transformation used in higher tantra practice. This retreat we will introduce the fire practice of the spiritual archetype (deity) Dorjekhadro.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learning to recognize aspects of our nature that need to heal and transform
  • Learning ways to purify and transform emotional and psychological patterns
  • Deepening the understanding of the archetypal nature of deities in the transformation process
  • Understanding the meaning of the alchemical vessel in the process of transformation
  • Learning to work with channels of transformation in life
  • Learning the fire ritual practice of the spiritual archetype (deity) Dorjekhadro, as a means of purification.


masculine feminine
drawing by Carmen Mensink

In this module we will begin to look at the inner and outer relationships between the masculine and feminine expressed in the nature of tantric daka/dakini and Jung’s anima/animus. We will begin to explore the significance of our search for union on psychological and energetic level. We will look at the meaning behind the divisions of mother and father tantra. This process will be supported by deepening the practice of spiritual archetype of Heruka Vajrasattva looking towards the practices of Higher tantra.

Learning Objectives:

  • Opening up our relationship to our male and female sides and how they live within us
  • Recognizing the meaning of the daka/dakini as profound aspects of our nature
  • Understanding and experiencing a taste of our innate unified male and female nature in the aspect of the spiritual archetypes or deities Vajrasattva/Varjaprabhavati
  • Understanding the outer inner and secret aspects of our male/female nature and their awakening.
  • Understanding the psychological significance of the journey of Mother tantra.


MandalaIn this final retreat we will begin to draw together elements of practice that have gone before into a more cohesive whole. This will emphasize the relationship between form and emptiness and its expression in the mandala as a symbol of the homeostatic nature of the psyche. We will explore the 5 Buddha families and 5 elements and their contribution to the psychological nature of wholeness. During this week will also begin to look at the way forward in terms of individual practice and further personal retreat.

Learning objectives:

  • Gaining an experience of the nature and meaning of the mandala as a vision of totality
  • Recognizing the non-dual relationship between form and emptiness
  • Bringing the relationship to the process of the retreats to a sense of completion both individually and as a group working together
  • Looking at ways to carry practice out into the work or life
  • Learning how to bring together the conditions for personal retreat
  • Exploring where personal practice may need to go from here.
  • Any other business!



This retreat will be useful for both those who are relatively new to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition as well as those with experience. It is favourable if one already has some years of meditation experience. The bottom line is one’s willingness to develop a foundation in the meditative practice and theoretical views of Tibetan Buddhist practice. Depending on your previous spiritual/Buddhist practice and study you may need some extra preparation or support. This will be decided on the basis of your spiritual/Buddhist CV and personal communication.


  • These retreats will be at approximately 6 month intervals and participants will be asked to maintain daily meditation practice between retreats, following the practices that have been taught.
  • The students will also receive advises on what books, articles or multimedia that can be of help and support.
  • Participants are encouraged to look at their own personal experience in this journey and take part in discussion around this as it helps practice to become more relevant to individual needs.
  • Specific needs for preparation for each module will be communicated on the basis of the topic and one’s spiritual/Buddhist CV and personal communication.


  • Practice, integration & discussion sessions at KenKon will be organised.
  • Audio recordings will be made available.
  • Support material for preparation, practice & integration will be provided.

Pre-requisites and support details will be provided when needed.


If you would like to attend it will be necessary for us to have a clear idea of your relevant experience and background in general and particularly in relation to the Tibetan tradition, as well as your meditation and retreat experience. We will also need to know of any mental health issues that you have had as well as any particular physical disabilities that might be relevant to this process. It may be required do some preparational study and practice. While it is preferable for the sake of continuity for participants to attend the entire program it will be possible to attend some of these retreats individually. This will depend upon the availability of space and the experience and background of those concerned.


All seminars start on Friday 14.00 h and finish on Sunday 16.00 h.

  1. Becoming a stable vessel → Octobre 10 – 12, 2014
  2. Awakening right intention → Spring 2015
  3. Discovering the nature of mind → Fall 2015
  4. Awakening the energy body → Spring 2016
  5. The nature of action tantra → Fall 2016
  6. Working with the shadow → Spring 2017
  7. The masculine and feminine → Fall 2017
  8. The mandala and visions of wholeness → Spring 2018


Friday, 14.00 – 17.00 h Saturday, 10.00 – 17.00 h Sunday, 10.00 – 16.00 h


KenKon, Integral Life & Training Centre, Nieuwe Kanaal 11, 6709 PR Wageningen, Netherlands. tel. +31 – (0)317 – 452946 info@kenkon.org www.kenkon.org


The first seminar: ‘Becoming a Stable Vessel’ will have the following prices (includes 2 lunches & support material): General fee: € 210,00 for 2,5 days, including 2 lunches and support materials. € 175,00 + voluntary donation if paid before September 1st. Fee for KenKon members, students and those with minimal income: € 160,00 € 135,00 + voluntary donation if paid before September 1st. Modules 2 – 8 will roughly cost the same, although a small inflation correction may apply.


Please fill in: Rob Preece, TTEOT, module ‘X’. BANK: ABN-AMRO, Wageningen, Netherlands; account number (IBAN: NL04ABNA0447028286, BIC: ABNANL2A ).


More than 3 weeks before: full refund; more than 2 weeks before: 60% refund; more than 1 week before: 20% refund; less than one week before: no refund.


Optional dormitory with yoga futons, self-service breakfast: € 40 for two nights . Hotels and B & B’s in the area.


info@kenkon.org +31-(0)317-452946

For more general background information see e.g.

www.mudra.co.uk www.kenkon.org


  • The Wisdom of Imperfection, by Rob Preece
  • The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra, by Rob Preece
  • The Courage to Feel, by Rob Preece
  • Preparing for Tantra, by Rob Preece
  • Introduction to Tantra, by Lama Yeshe;
  • The Three Principle Aspects of the Path, by Geshe Sonam Rinchen
  • An Ocean of Ultimate Meaning, by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
  • Awakening the Heart, by John Welwood

Background / Achtergrond

Klik hier voor meer achtergrond informatie over Integral Tibetan Buddhism Klik hier voor meer informatie over Rob Preece

Message for the practitioners of Tibetan meditation & yoga @ KenKon, Integral Life and Training Centre and potential guests for the TY session tomorrow:

Dear all,

Unfortunately there is no Tibetan Yoga class tomorrow, September 6. The traffic from here to Hamburg seems more challenging than I was used to. And I have to teach karate from Friday early evening to Sunday afternoon. Therefor I need to leave before 10 h. I realized this too late and was not able to find a replacement for my me in time. My apologies.

If you had any friends that planned to come – alone or with you – please let them know that there is no session, but that they are welcome next Friday.

I look forward to see you again next week at the meditation or yoga classes. Let’s make it a wonderful year!

Warm regards,
