Open week
In the week of 13 to 17 January there will be another open week. Everyone is allowed to freely participate in one or more trial classes of KenKon’s activities: Tibetan meditation, Karate, Qigong, orZen meditation.
The Open Week also includes aikido classes from Sankaku and the Dance Improvisation and Body Release classes of Harriët Ordelman.
Hands on Tao (Shiatsu therapist training) will organise an Open Day on the 18th of January.
All KenKon members are invited to bring along friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, enemies, partners or strangers.
Mon 18.00; Wed 19.00; Fri 19.30
Warrior Workout (Hojo Undo)
Thu 18.15
Chinese Yoga (Qigong)
Mon 21.00; Thu 11.15; Thu 19.30
Tibetaanse Meditatie
Mon 21.00; Tue 9.30; Thu 20.45
Zen Meditatie
Wed 20.30