Karate (Goju Ryu)

Hojo Undo
“Hojo Undo” or “support training” is the traditional strength training of Goju-Ryu. Tools are used in such a way that […]

Chinese Yoga (Qigong)
Qigong (pronounced: chi-kung) or ‘Chinese yoga’ is a Chinese system of health exercises that was created thousands of years ago. Literally […]

Tibetan meditation
Tibetan meditation is simply about spiritual practice that leads to more inner peace, concentration, clarity, compassion, […]

Zen Meditation
Zen meditation is sitting with heart and soul. Ever wondered how it is to not be haunted by […]

Introductory course
Introductory courses are made up of ten classes where, at a reasonable pace, you’ll become familiar with the activity in question. Once the course is finished, you can follow two trial classes to get a feel of the real thing […]

Other weekly activities
There is more to do at KenKon… here you find an overview of other weekly activities […]