Embodyment, making bodily awareness useful

Embodyment is a programme revolved around exploring, valorising and applying the wisdom of our bodies. Unlike our heads, our bodies are much better at telling us who we are, what we want, how we relate to others, and what decisions are right for us. Despite the great amount of information to be found in the world, we barely make use of the source of knowledge which we always carry with us.

The programme consists of periodical body-focussed trainings, in combination with group reflection meetings, individual guidance conversations, and physical treatment.

The founders and organisers of the programme are VanBinnen, who have developed, and keep on doing so, together with Sydney Leijenhorst and Floris Lemmen.

The programme starts every year in October, and takes place at Integral Life & Training Centre KenKon in Wageningen.

Who is the programme for?

The programme is meant for professionals of any kind, who want to increase the awareness of their bodies in a pragmatic and profound way, giving a considerable impulse to the development of their personal leadership.

The price of the yearly programme is €3.500 per participant. This includes 21% VAT for individuals, but excludes it for professional applications. Payment in terms for individuals can be discussed.

Message for the practitioners of Tibetan meditation & yoga @ KenKon, Integral Life and Training Centre and potential guests for the TY session tomorrow:

Dear all,

Unfortunately there is no Tibetan Yoga class tomorrow, September 6. The traffic from here to Hamburg seems more challenging than I was used to. And I have to teach karate from Friday early evening to Sunday afternoon. Therefor I need to leave before 10 h. I realized this too late and was not able to find a replacement for my me in time. My apologies.

If you had any friends that planned to come – alone or with you – please let them know that there is no session, but that they are welcome next Friday.

I look forward to see you again next week at the meditation or yoga classes. Let’s make it a wonderful year!

Warm regards,
