Aikido is a Japanese movement form that developed from traditional martial arts from centuries ago. The goal of traditional martial arts, in a time full of violence and danger, was to survive an attack and incapacitate one’s enemy. This required not only good command of technique, but also control of one’s nerves, so there was much focus on practices to achieve inner peace and harmony.

These ancient martial arts form the basis for contemporary aikido. Now the aim is not to harm the opponent, but to neutralise his attack by using his own force against him.

In aikido you learn to react to strikes and thrusts, and to grabs at the wrist, elbow or shoulders. Sometimes you practice with wooden weapons (knife, sword and stick) in order to learn to work at a distance from your opponent.

By following the movement of an attack, the force of the attacker eventually works against him. The circular and spiral movements give the techniques a graceful look. At the end of a technique, the attacker is thrown or kept under control with a pin at a joint. In general, these pins work with the natural direction of the joint movement.

At KenKon Training Centre the Aikido classes are taught by Aikido school Sankaku. All Sankaku teachers have national diplomas and are members of the Judo Bond (Association) Nederland: Edy Kamalski, 5th dan; Sabine Lebenstedt, 3rd dan; Eltje Boons, 1st dan; Ed van Breemen, 3rd dan; Yvon Mattaar, 3rd dan. Sankaku also provides classes in Arnhem.

Message for the practitioners of Tibetan meditation & yoga @ KenKon, Integral Life and Training Centre and potential guests for the TY session tomorrow:

Dear all,

Unfortunately there is no Tibetan Yoga class tomorrow, September 6. The traffic from here to Hamburg seems more challenging than I was used to. And I have to teach karate from Friday early evening to Sunday afternoon. Therefor I need to leave before 10 h. I realized this too late and was not able to find a replacement for my me in time. My apologies.

If you had any friends that planned to come – alone or with you – please let them know that there is no session, but that they are welcome next Friday.

I look forward to see you again next week at the meditation or yoga classes. Let’s make it a wonderful year!

Warm regards,
