23-24 and 25 April 2010

With Bakkies Laubscher Sensei; 8e Dan Senior Instructor Technical Advisor IOGKF Chief-Instructor IOGKF South Africa

Schedule :
Friday, 23 April
6.30 p.m. – 7.45 p.m.: children training ( 7-14 years old – all grades)
8.00 p.m. – 10 p.m.: adults – all grades
Saturday, 24 April
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.: adults – all grades
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.: break
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.: adults – all grades
Sunday, 25 April
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.: adults – 3th Kyu and higher
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.: break
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.: adults – 1st Dan and higher
Sportscentre NUCLEA, Boeretang 200, Mol – Belgium
Training Fee:
Children: 8€
10e Kyu – 4e Kyu: 2 hours training: 25€ (not-IOGKF: 30€)
4 hours training: 35€ (not-IOGKF: 40€)
6 hours training: 40€ (not-IOGKF: 45€)
3e Kyu and above: Sunday morning: 30€ (not-IOGKF: 35€)
Sunday afternoon 30€ (not-IOGKF: 35€)
Sunday all day: 50€ (not-IOGKF: 60€)
1 session on Sunday + 1 all grades session: 45€ (not-IOGKF: 55€)
1 session on Sunday + 2 all grades session: 55€ (not-IOGKF: 65€)
Sunday all day+ 1 all grades session: 60€ (not-IOGKF: 70€)
Complete weekend for 3e Kyu: 60€ (not-IOGKF: 70€)
Complete weekend for black belts: 75€ (not-IOGKF: 85€)
In the centre of Mol and Dessel, a few km from the dojo there are some hotels.
Please contact one of the following hotels yourself to make a reservation.

– Hotel Mollenhof, Groeneweg 4, 2400 Mol
E-mail: Mollenhof@skynet.be Tel. 032 14 314533
Fax: 032 14 312272
– Appart Hotel “Corbie”, Corbiestraat 64, 2400 Mol
www.corbiehotel.com/mol/nl E-mail: mol@corbiehotel.com Tel. 032 14 319871
– Hotel “Alauda”, Turnhoutsebaan 28, 2480 Dessel
E-mail: info@alauda.be Tel. 032 14 375071
Fax. 032 14 389299
– Sunparks “Kempense Meren” Mol-Rauw
– Provinciaal domein “Zilvermeer” Mol (camping possible)
Please inform me if you are coming to the mini-gasshuku. You can pay for it at the door.
If you need more information do not hesitate to contact me.
Patrick Curinckx
Chief-Instructor IOGKF-Belgium
Tel.0032 14 316499

Mini Gasshuku Belgium.pdf

Message for the practitioners of Tibetan meditation & yoga @ KenKon, Integral Life and Training Centre and potential guests for the TY session tomorrow:

Dear all,

Unfortunately there is no Tibetan Yoga class tomorrow, September 6. The traffic from here to Hamburg seems more challenging than I was used to. And I have to teach karate from Friday early evening to Sunday afternoon. Therefor I need to leave before 10 h. I realized this too late and was not able to find a replacement for my me in time. My apologies.

If you had any friends that planned to come – alone or with you – please let them know that there is no session, but that they are welcome next Friday.

I look forward to see you again next week at the meditation or yoga classes. Let’s make it a wonderful year!

Warm regards,
