Weekend of Deep Meditation
Empowered by The Yogic technology of Body, Breath & Mind
[Tsalung trülkhor & tummo]
With Sydney Leijenhorst
Deep embodied meditation works with the inter-relatedness of body, breath & mind [tendrel]. This does not only bring depth of experience, but also sustainability, in the light of ever changing life circumstances.
Deep Meditation relies on breath [inner wind or lung] and transformative heat [inner fire or tummo].
This supports the opening and awakening of our mind, and connects us to our deepest source of our healing power and innate qualities – such as e.g. love, compassion, joy, equanimity, openness or creativity.
From a modern neurological perspective these rely on the neurological networks that play a role in so-called ‘flow states’.
The tsalung trülkhor & tummo practices used as a support, come for the major part from the Bön tradition as taught by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Augmented with insights and practices from other Tibetan and Chinese yogic, meditative or martial arts.
Sydney Leijenhorst has 40+ years of experience with meditative, yogic and martial arts. His approach is rooted in gratitude for traditions and curiosity towards modern insights and approaches.
Dutch or English [if there are non-Dutch speakers].
KenKon, Integral Life & Training Centre
Nieuwe Kanaal 11
6709 PA Wageningen
Saturday only: € 70,- if paid before August 1st [€ 60,- for KenKon members, students or people with minimal income, if paid before August 1st ]. If paid after August 1st € 80,- [€ 70,- for KenKon members, students or people with minimal income].
Saturday + Sunday: € 140,- if paid before August 1st [€ 120,- for KenKon members, students or people with minimal income, if paid before August 1st ]. If paid after August 1st € 160,- [€ 140,- for KenKon members, students or people with minimal income].
The price includes lunch, drinks and support materials.
Date: August 27 & 28, 2022
Time: 10.00 – 17.00 h
For whom?
This day is for motivated and experienced practitioners. People who have at least two years ‘more than once a week’ meditation experience and preferably some experience in embodied spiritual practices such as Tibetan, Chinese or Indian forms of yoga [tsalung, trulkhor, qigong, kumnye, pranayama, hatha yoga etc.].
Send an e-mail to info@kenkon.org or use the website subscription form. After this you will receive an invoice. When this has been paid, your subscription is valid and complete.