Introductory course Zen meditation

Introductory lessons

If you want to start with Zen and you have little or no experience with meditation, you can participate in the introductory lessons. Depending on the number of registrations, we give two introductory lessons every 4-6 weeks. You will be shown around the meditation room and will receive instructions about posture, sitting and customs in the meditation room. After these two lessons you can join the continuing group. We will not let you go yet, but there will be regular one-on-one contact with the teacher or one of our experienced group members. You can ask questions here and receive instructions about sitting and how to deal with obstacles you may encounter while sitting. Zen does not stop in Zendo but takes you into your daily life. Daily practice is therefore certainly recommended.

If you would like more information, or if you have signed up for the introductory lessons, please send an email to: We will then contact you when you can start.

The two lessons cost 20 euros, or 14 for students and low income residents.


KenKon treats your personal information with care, see our privacy statement

  • You can transfer the fee to the following bank account: NL04 ABNA 0447 0282 86 in name of KenKon, subj. ‘introductory lessons Zen meditatie’.
  • In case there are any problems with registration, please send an email to