Tibetan Heart Meditation
TongLen and other Tibetan meditations that awaken our human heart
By: Dr. Chrissie Coburn Krzowska
Whether we want ordinary human happiness, for ourselves and others, or true enlightenment, we can only find it if we, sooner or later, enter the passage of our hearts. The heart meditatons of the Tibetan Buddhist wisdom tradition can guide us through this passage and lead us towards
the immeasurable qualities of our heart, that all wisdom traditions aim to awaken.
The crown jewel of the Tibetan heart meditations is called ‚tonglen’ (‚give and receive’ or ‚compassionate exchange’). This practice will be the core practice of this weekend seminar.
Costs: 140 € + free donation
KK-members, Students & Minimal income: 100 € + free donation
Prices include lunch and course materials
Participation for 1 day: 60% of total)
Needed: warm, loosely fitting clothing and, if you feel it is useful, writing materials.