In the week of 15 to 19 January there will be ‘open week’. Everyone can come and follow one or more trial lessons for free and without obligation, in a KenKon activity: Tibetan meditation, Karate, Integral Warrior Workout, Qigong or Zen meditation. All KenKon members are invited to bring friends, family, boyfriends, enemies, partners or strangers to their class.
Mon 18:00; Wed 19:00; Fri 19:30
Warrior Workout (Hojo Undo)
Tue 19:00; Thu 18:00
Chinese Yoga (Qigong)
Mon 11:00; Mon 19:30; Thu 09:00; Thu 19:15
Tibetan Meditation
Mon 20:45; Tue 09:00; Thu 20:30
Zen Meditation
Wed 20:00