Open Week
There will be another open week in the week of January 20 to 24. Everyone can then take one or more trial lessons in a KenKon activity for free and without obligation: Tibetan meditation, Tibetan Yoga, Karate, Integral Warrior Workout, Qigong or Zen meditation.
All KenKon members are invited to bring friends, family, boyfriends, enemies, partners or strangers to their class. Registration is not necessary.
Mon 6 pm;
Wed 7 pm;
Fri 7:30 pm
Warrior Workout (Hojo Undo)
Tue 7 pm;
Thu 6 pm
Chinese Yoga (Qigong)
Mon 11 am;
Mon 7:30 pm;
Thu 9 am;
Thu 7.15 pm
Tibetan Meditation
Mon 8.45 pm;
Tue 9 am;
Thu 8:30 pm
Tibetan Yoga
Fri 11 am
Zen Meditation
Wed 8 pm