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Kaki-e Masterclass

30 November 10:00 1 December 16:00

Grappling & Wresting Drills in Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate

by Sydney Leijenhorst

7th dan, Chief Instructor of the Netherlands, Coordinator IOGKF Technical Committee

LOCATION: KenKon, Integral Life & Training Centre, Nieuwe Kanaal 11, 6709PA Wageningen, Netherlands

DATES: Saturday & Sunday, November 30th & December 1st , 2024: 10 – 16 h, with lunch break. It is possible to sleep in KenKon. If you come from far, you are welcome to come one or more days earlier or leave later and enjoy KenKon & surroundings and/or join other sessions [karate, qigong or meditation]. It is possible to stay at KenKon.

FOR WHOM?: 18 year & up; 1st kyu & up [see options below]. Maximum participants: 32.


  • 1st kyu & up: Saturday [€ 75 / IOGKF members: € 55]
  • 1st dan & up: Saturday and / or Sunday [2 days: € 145 / IOGKF members: 95].

Lunch is included in the price.

Early bird [subscribed & paid before Oktober 1st]: minus € 15,-

Black belts, and especially instructors, are advised to participate both days.

Use the online subscription form

Transfer the money to the IOGKF Netherlands [IBAN NL63INGB0007738419]. For administrative questions: info@iogkf.nl [Remco van der Kieft: secretary / treasurer].


CONTENT: Through the years I learned, gathered and developed a wide variety of kaki-e drills and techniques. With these I developed a curriculum with dozens of drills that:

  • Develop various grappling and wrestling skills, both sensitive and invasive
  • Deepen typical Okinawan goju-ryu power & movement qualities [e.g. muchimi]
  • Are fun to practice
  • Are a great and functional approach to power endurance training
  • Learn one to ‘bridge’ different fighting ranges
  • Substantially improve one’s ability to defend oneself

The kaki-e drills develop essential self-defense skills that are often missing in modern sports oriented karate. These drills also form a foundation for the training of all kinds of self-defence techniques from the kata, [oyo] bunkai kumite or elsewhere.

The wide base of basic drills improve the karateka’s ability to respond with their techniques in many different situations, types of attacks and fighting ranges.

In developing the kaki-e curriculum I used [1] the movement & power qualities of Okinawa goju-ryu karate, [2] its movement patterns and [3] practice methods as guidelines. Rather than creating a hotch potch, I looked for a systemic curriculum that makes sense from the perspective of these guidelines.

The curriculum works with various build-ups, such as:

  • Fixed stance [sonoba] Moving [ido]
  • Fixed patterns [yakusoku] Free style [jiyu]
  • Hard-style [go] Soft-style [ju]
  • Stand-up fighting [tachi waza] Ground fighting [ne waza]
  • Four lines of fighting [distance, bridging, clinch and ground]
  • Integration with kihon, sandan gi, bunkai kumite & iri kumi

Even though the curriculum is quite comprehensive, it can be used as a base for expressing one’s creativity, further development and adaptation to whomever one works with.

I am passionate about sharing this material and hope many will enjoy it and share it with others. I am poised to make this seminar a great success and to go beyond what I have shared so far.

Kind regards,

Sydney Leijenhorst


15 February 2025
15 February - 16 February

Message for the practitioners of Tibetan meditation & yoga @ KenKon, Integral Life and Training Centre and potential guests for the TY session tomorrow:

Dear all,

Unfortunately there is no Tibetan Yoga class tomorrow, September 6. The traffic from here to Hamburg seems more challenging than I was used to. And I have to teach karate from Friday early evening to Sunday afternoon. Therefor I need to leave before 10 h. I realized this too late and was not able to find a replacement for my me in time. My apologies.

If you had any friends that planned to come – alone or with you – please let them know that there is no session, but that they are welcome next Friday.

I look forward to see you again next week at the meditation or yoga classes. Let’s make it a wonderful year!

Warm regards,
