From Conscious Regulation to Spontaneous Transformation
– by Sydney Leijenhorst –
Qigong is a several millennia old tradition that went through many different processes of development, ripening and enrichment. It has shamanic roots in the distant past; it was influenced by and developed within the various spiritual traditions of China, such as Buddhism and Daoism; it integrated with traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts; and, in the last decades, it caught the interest of the modern scientific community.
Qigong has various approaches to achieve its goals. One way I like to categorize these approaches is: guided movement, creative movement, inspired spontaneous movement and spontaneous movement.
These approaches form a spectrum from conscious regulation of body, breath[energy] and mind to spontaneous psycho-physical transformation. The first – guided practice – is most commonly known and practiced in the qigong ‘world’. It is also the approach that is most common in many other forms of yoga or body-mind disciplines from other cultures.
Spontaneous Transformation
The methods that tap directly into the wisdom energy of spontaneous transformation often get lost and/or pushed to the periphery of the mainstream of yoga and meditation and the traditions from which they arose. For a variety of reasons, bad ones and a few good ones.
Sometimes these type of practices are seen as an advanced form of practice for which your inner psychophysical wiring-system needs to be ready.
This weekend seminar is an exploration of the path from guided practice to spontaneous practice – from conscious regulation to spontaneous transformation. With an emphasis on the second part of the journey. Various exercises, from different qigong systems, will be used as a gate this spontaneous dimension.
The topic may also be explored from and compared with the viewpoints of other traditions, such as Tibetan Buddhism [e.g. the expressive korde rushen practices from the dzogchen tradition or the archetypal and inner yogas of tantric tradition] or practices and viewpoints from other cultures that use expressive, ecstatic or spontaneous approaches.
For whom?
This seminar is for people that feel attracted to deep, dynamic and embodied forms of energy work and meditation.
The weekend is suitable for people with some years of experience with body-mind disciplines like qigong or something similar, and have developed some level of depth and refinement in these. In addition a basic fitness, reasonable stable physical and mental health and curiosity and courage in relationship to this adventure that extends into the unknown.
Whether participation is suitable will be discussed in a personal conversation, live or through online possibilities, as sufficient general/specific background and a good relationship around the weekend are important
Sydney Leijenhorst
Sydney Leijenhorst has more than four decades of experience in teaching martial-, healing- and meditative arts. His background in physiotherapy and involvement in modern integral approaches to health improvement, personal development and spirituality, enable him to offer a broad, deep and integral presentation of these arts. This specific topic is one of his favourite inspirational arteries.
When, where, etc.
Dates: 4 & 5 June 2022
Program: Saturday: 10 – 17 hour; Sunday: 10 – 16 hour
Participation: only full participation, no exceptions.
Maximum participants: 20
Language: English or Dutch, depending on the participants.
Fees: € 200,-, if paid before May 15th 2022; KenKon-members, minimum income / students: € 160,- if paid before May 15th 2022. Including lunch and course materials.
After May 15th 2022: € 240,-; KenKon-members, minimum income / students: € 200,-
Location: KenKon Integral Life & Training Centre, Nieuwe Kanaal 11, 6709 PA Wageningen, Netherlands
Payment: After registration you will receive an invoice with instructions for the payment.
Cancellation policy: CANCELLATION POLICY: More than 3 weeks before course: full refund; more than 2 weeks before: 60% refund; more than 1 week before: 20% refund; less than one week before: no refund. No refunds afterwards.
Various: it is possible to sleep at KenKon in one of the dojos on futons. [€ 10 per night]. Rooms [2]: € 20 per night. There are various hotels and B&B’s in the neighbourhood.