Module 2 – Compassionate Presence

Nieuwe Kanaal 11, Wageningen, Nederland

Compassionate Presence - Meditation seminar with Rob Preece, which focusses on the transformation of pain into compassion for oneself and others. This seminar is part of a series of seminars that touches into various aspects of Tibetan Buddhist meditation.

Module 3 – Creative Wisdom

Nieuwe Kanaal 11, Wageningen, Nederland

How we express ourselves in our life can often be blocked by limiting fears and inhibitions. We may know what we wish to communicate but be unable to bring this out skilfully and from a place of inner wisdom. Discovering our capacity to communicate is not just through speech, it means discovering the ‘language’ that suits us individually through our body, speech or mind. When communication creatively expresses our true nature, it has power and wisdom that can be a great benefit to others.

Module 4 – Deepening Tantric Practice – Dynamic Compassion

Nieuwe Kanaal 11, Wageningen, Nederland

Dynamic compassionResponding to the suffering of others is not straight forward, doubt and uncertainty will limit us and a lack of wisdom can make what we do lack skill or effectiveness. To benefit others, we need both compassion and wisdom, we also need to know how to move towards suffering and how to stay with […]

Module 5 – Deepening Tantric Practice – Courage to manifest

Nieuwe Kanaal 11, Wageningen, Nederland

Vajrapani - The Courage to ManifestMany of us feel limited in our capacity to be effective in our lives. This may come from a sense of fear, powerlessness, inadequacy or vulnerability and usually reflects early wounding in our life. We hide and bury our power because we may be afraid it is too much and […]

Module 6 – Deepening Tantric Practice – Healing from the Source

Nieuwe Kanaal 11, Wageningen, Nederland

We all experience psychological, emotional and physical difficulties that from one perspective are the result of karma, from another they are the result of wounding through our life. This wounding is held within our energy-body. If we wish to begin to heal this residue of wounding in our nervous-system it helps to have a relationship to the source of our intrinsic or innate health.